Martin Bissett last episode: 7 avenues to find revenue right now!

Martin Bissett episode 3: So what?!

Did you see the first two episodes of the ProfitCon Webcast with Martin Bissett? These first two episodes* where allready packed with great value. We talked about getting your message right. And most firms will probably agree that there are some improvements to be made there 😉

* Watch Episode 1 here and Episode 2 here

In the third episode we start off with a promising statement:
We stand on the brink of Profit and creating great impact in the lives of our clients.

This being said:

  • How do we INFORM the client about the great things we can do to help him?
  • Marketing does not need te be expensive or a struggle – how to reach people in a way that fits you
  • Martin explains the value of saying: So What?! more often

Watch the 3rd episode right here:


See you in a couple of days for our last episode, where Martin shares 7 routes to revenue!

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