Martin Bissett last episode: 7 avenues to find revenue right now!

Martin Bissett episode 2: What do our clients believe we do?

Did you see the first episode of the ProfitCon Webcast with Martin Bissett?

Where this first episode was an introduction of Martin and the changes in the industrie (watch Episode 1 here) this second episode gives you practical hands on tips you can immidiately use to differentiate yourself, find nicer and better paying clients and have more fun doing what you do!

This second episode is all about:

  • What your clients are actually buying from you (and it is NOT accounting services)
  • And WHY it isn’t on your website yet (but it should)
  • Why saving your clients lots of money is NOT the story you should tell (and what is!)
  • Why you don’t really have to DO different things, but should value what you do allready instead.

You can watch the second episode right here:

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