Martin Bissett last episode: 7 avenues to find revenue right now!

Interview with Martin Bissett: Do we really need to change?

Before you watch this first episode – we recorded 3 more episodes with Martin!  Please make sure to subscribe so we can notifiy you immediately when the next episode is live:


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Interview with Martin Bissett: Do we really need to change?

I am trilled to introduce you to Martin Bissett.
You might not know Martin, yet… but he wrote 12 books and speaks all over the world on the accountancy industry, the changes which are happening and what we should do to thrive!

He WILL be coming over to the Netherlands in june, to speak at ProfitCon.
And to give you a chance to get to know him a bit, I have interviewd Martin in our ProfitCon Webcast.

The interview turned out to be truly magnificant!
It contains of 4 episodes with very hands on advice and money making tips in each!

This first episode is all about:
The facts are very clear: We cannot focus on compliance any longer
You need to be SUPERIOR to the competition! (And Martin will explain what that means)
The EXACT 3 THINGS you need to do to get the client to CHOOSE for you (instead of the competition)

Watch the first episode right here:


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